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Palette 2 Multi Material Printing

4 Color printing, gradient mode, random mode, or  insert 4 spools of the same color for automatic runout detection and switching.


The future of multi-color and multi-spool printing is here and gCreate is ready.


We are working with the incredible Mosaic Manufacturing for full gMax support for the Palette 2


4 Spool Run-Out Detection

It's here! 4 spool automatic run-out detection and switching. That's right, insert up to 4 spools from 1kg to the largest you can find for near endless printing.


The Palette 2 will automatically detect when the first input runs out and switch so the next one.


You can finally use up those half or partial spools.


Worried that's not enough? The gMax 2 has you covered. You can use our filament run-out sensor with the Palette 2 for truly endless printing! When the gMax detects the Palette 2 is out of filament, your print will pause and wait for more. Who could ask for more?


Multi-Material and Multi-Color Printing

4 color printing on a single extruder printer. You can insert specific colors for up to 4-color models or splice different materials together.


The future of multi-color and multi-spool printing is here.

random gradient vase_small.png

Gradient and Random Modes

Perfect for some added 3D printing fun. Gradient and random modes allow you to have even more flexibility.

Gradient mode will blend your print between 2 colors. Input the length, the min/max splice length and let the Palette 2 do the rest.

What else? In Random mode simply input 4 filaments and it will randomly splice together the lengths you specify.

The only question is, what will you create?

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