457.2 x 457.2 x 609.6 mm print volume

Versatile, High Performance, USA Made
18" x 18" x 24" Print Volume Capabilities
800W BuildTak G10FR4 Heated Bed
Full Color, Responsive Touchscreen
400°C Slice Engineering Copperhead Hotend
Hiwin Industrial Linear Guide Rails
32-Bit Electronics with Silent TMC 2130 Drivers
Dual Door Full Enclosure with 360° Visibility
Designed and rigorously tested to be versatile across a wide range of materials and functionalities, the gMax 2 PRO is the premium solution for accurate, consistent 3D printing with a build volume suited for life sized objects.
The gMax 2 PRO is the new standard for easy to use, affordable, industrial large format desktop 3D printing.

A Large Format Workhorse
The gMax 2 PRO sets the new standard for large format desktop 3D printers.
The gMax 2 PRO has an impressive build volume of 457.2 x 457.2 x 609.6 mm (18" x 18" x 24") or and impressive 7,776 in³.
The gMax 2 PRO has all metal structural and is made from industrial grade materials. From steel linear rails to a robust genuine 80/20 frame, the gMax 2 PRO was designed with strength, performance and reliability in mind.
Powerful Direct Drive Extruder
Sharpest Drive Gear in the Industry
Print with 85A TPU
High Quality Metal Parts
Made in the USA
Accepts 0.2mm - 1.2mm Nozzles
Speeds Up To 200 mm/sec
Slice Engineering Copperhead Hotend Prints Up to 400°C out of the box
Powerful Blower Fan for Fast Cooling

Industrial Glass Fiber Reinforced
Composite Heated Bed
The glass fiber reinforced heated bed provides a great print surface for all types of filament.
We use a custom laser cut BuildTak G10FR4 composite heated build surface for excellent thermal stability even at high temps combined with an 800 Watt heated pad. The bed is controlled by the printer via an external Solid State Relay (SSR) with PID tuning and fuse protection.
The result is a bed that combines the thermal stability of glass and the resilience of aluminum for a perfect heating cycle. You can adjust temperatures per layer, and fine tune the heating cycle.

Additional Print Surface (optional)
G10 FR4
Heated Pad
Fiber Glass

Also compatiable with:
▪ BuildTak Print Surface w/ Custom gMax Graphics
▪ BuildTak PEI
▪ GeckoTek EZ-Stick Hot
▪ GeckoTek EZ-Stick Cold (Non-Heated Bed)
Print Engineering Grade Materials Out of the Box

The gMax 2 PRO is designed to print with an extensive selection of 1.75mm filaments right out of the box to 400°C. We manufacture top quality 3D printers that perform with top quality materials.
GF Nylon
90% Metal Filament
Nylon 645
Engineering Grade Composites
Metal Composites
and many more

32-Bit Electronics with Marlin 2.0

The gMax 2 PRO has 32-bit electronics using a powerful Arm Cortex-M4 STM32 processor
The gMax 2 PRO electronics have been completely redesigned to use powerful new controller options and firmware.
We are utilizing Trinamic TMC2130 stepper drivers equipped with SpreadCycle™ and StealthChop™ technology for silent operation at increased speeds and up to 1/256 microstepping!

Additional upgrades include:
All new v2 filament runout sensor (Dual runout compatible)
Power loss recovery
144 point bilinear bed leveling (BBL)
Sensorless homing
RGB LED light bar with printer events
Print from SD, USB memory stick or USB via a computer
Classic Marlin mode emulator and much more
The gMax 2 PRO also includes a responsive full color touch screen with dedicated firmware. The screen operates very quickly and has updated themes available. Future software updates can easily be done via SD card.

Industry Leading

We use genuine components from industry leading partners to ensure the highest quality output and easy maintenance.
USA Designed and Manufactured

The gMax 2 PRO is proudly made in-house in Brooklyn, NY with many parts sourced in the USA.
In-House Tech Support

We have dedicated in-house technicians available for email, phone, and video support.
Custom Configuration Files
for PrusaSlicer, Cura, and Simplify3D
The gMax 2 PRO 3D Printer has been tested extensively using the popular PrusaSlicer, Simplify 3D, and Cura slicing software.

PrusaSlicer is a powerful and free open-source slicing engine with advanced features such as paint on support, variable layer height and dual 2in1 support. (Recommended)

Cura is a free slicing program with new features being continuously added over the years.

Simplify 3D
Simplify3D is a professional slicing with advanced features and a powerful gcode viz engine.

gMax 2 PRO Print Gallery
The gMax 2 PRO has been tested across a wide variety of filaments from flexible TPU to glass giber reinforced nylon to ensure you can print with industrial grade materials. Thanks to the 400°C Slice Engineering Copperhead hotend and BuildTak G10FR4 heated build plate the gMax 2 PRO is ready for your next project.
gMax 2 PRO

Printer Technology
FDM - Fused Deposition Modeling
18" x 18" x 24" inch (7,776 in³) print volume
(457.2 x 457.2 x 609.6 mm)
Layer Resoolution:
0.01mm to 0.9mm (nozzle dependent)
gMax Printers are compatible with a wide variety of 1.75mm filaments
Linear Motion:
Metal linear guides for X, Y and Z
4mm Pitch Tr10 10mm Lead Screws
0.000492” XY resolution
0.0000492" Z resolution
0.040 mm min layer resolution
1/256 microstepping controlled by firmware
18" x 18" BuildTak G10FR4 Glass Fiber Reinforced Heated Bed Controlled by Printer
Keenovo Silicone 800W Heated Pad
Heats to 120°C
18" x 18" sanded acrylic (optional)
32-Bit SKR v2
Arm Cortex M4 STM32 Processor
Marlin 2.0 Firmware
Runout Sensor:
Dual bearing PRO Runout Sensor with optical sensor. Can be connected to other sensors
Power supply:
120v/240v Selectable Micro ATX
(Printer Uses Approx. 80 Watts)
120v (Only) Heated Bed Plugs Directly Into Wall
All-Metal Slice Engineering Copperhead with 50W heater cartridge. Prints 400°C out of the box
Works with a variety of nozzle diameters (0.2mm - 1.2mm), Stainless Steel, Olsson Ruby and more
Structure and Frame:
Genuine 80/20 Lite aluminum 1.5″ T-Slot profile
Powder coated aluminum and steel parts manufactured in the USA
NEMA 17 1.68 Amp, 1.8 Step Angle
Silent TMC2130 Drivers with SPI
Bed Leveling:
Integrated Genuine BLTouch Smart Bed Leveling Sensor 144 Point Unified Bed Leveling (UBL) that saves to memory
Print via USB, SD Card or USB Stick
OctoPrint, OctoDash and OctoFarm compatible
All 3D printed parts are printed in industrial-grade CF PETG and SLS nylon.
The Fully Enclosed gMax 2 PRO is now available.
Approx. 80lbs