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Nylon is an incredibly strong, durable, and versatile 3D printing material. Flexible when thin, but with very high inter-layer adhesion, nylon lends itself well to things like living hinges and other functional parts.

Brands Tested

  • MatterHackers

  • Taulman3D

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Nylon 645

Nylon is an incredibly strong, durable, and versatile 3D printing material. Flexible when thin, but with very high inter-layer adhesion, nylon lends itself well to things like living hinges and other functional parts. Nylon filament prints as a bright natural white with a translucent surface, and can absorb color added post process with most common, acid-based clothing dyes or ynthetic cloth specific dyes. 

Nylon filament is extremely sensitive to moisture, so taking drying measures during storage and immediately prior to printing (using desiccant, vacuum, or elevated temperature) is highly recommended for best results.

Nylon filament is incredibly hygroscopic, meaning it readily absorbs water from the air. Nylon can absorb more than 10% of its weight in water in less than 24 hours which is why it is best to not leave hygroscopic filaments sitting out in the open.  When you 3D print with nylon filament that isn’t dry, the water in the filament explodes causing air bubbles during printing that prevents good layer adhesion, greatly weakens the part and ruins the surface finish. No doubt about it; successful 3D printing with nylon and nylon-based materials require dry filament.

Dry nylon, on the other hand, prints buttery smooth and has a glossy finish.

One way to dry nylon filament is by placing it in an oven at 160°F - 180°F for 6 to 8 hours. After drying, either immediately print with it in a room that isn't cold or drafty or store it in an airtight container with desiccant to use for later.

Surface Quality




Ease of Use












(Deg C)



Bed Temp

(Deg C)







Additional Recommendations

Printed at 243°C with great results.

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